Alice                                                Rain getting attack by the first zombie they encountered

      Commando 1                  Commando 2                           Onto the computer mainframe

           Umbrella Doctor                                                   Security Hallway

                Elevator                                                       Specimen Room Explosion

                        JD to the Rescue                                                                      FREEZE!

                                Vent Escape                                                                            The Hallway

                                Careful Now                                                                                The Hive

                                                                        JD Salinas

                                     JD???                                                                            Chad Kaplan

                            Doomed to Die                                                       The Lasers

                         Lie Still!!!                                                                                The Licker

                       They just don't quit                                                                   The Labs

                                    Matt                                                                            Future Nemesis

               The Team's Medic                                                           Ops Attack

                         Special Ops Team                                                             Pipes

                                                                    Rain Ocampo

                                                                   Lock and Load

                     Computer Mainframe                                                    "OH GOD!"

                    "Bitch isn't standing now"                                                        Former Comrad

                                                 James P. Shade a.k.a. "One"

                       Spencer and Kaplan                                                    Spencer Parks

                         Spencer Zombie                                                                    Rough Ride

                          Impending Death                                                                  Specimen Room

                      Storming the Mansion                                                                   Spencer


                                Behind You                                                                         Cold Stare

                                Going Home                                                                 Prisoner is secured

                            "Cover Me"                                                                      "Lets get outta here"

