All those that died in the games and novels.
This is a list of everyone that died in both the games and the novels.
Special Thanks to Jessica, a.k.a. JP5215 for helping me with this list and for being one of the friendliest, sweetest people I ever met.

The Umbrella Conspiracy
Anna Mitaki
Deanne Rusch
Christopher Smith
Becky McGee
Priscilla McGee
Tonya Lipton
(these people and 3 others were the first that were killed by the "Cannibals")
In addition to the 9 who were murdered, 5 were missing
Albert Wesker- Killed by Tyrant
Enrico Marini- Shot by Wesker
Joseph Frost- Attacked and killed by mutated dogs
Richard Aiken- Poisoned by the Yawn
Forest Speyer- Pecked to death by crows
Kenneth J. Sullivan- Eaten by a zombie
Ed Dewey- Killed by dogs
Billy Rabbitson- Went missing after he gained too much knowledge of Umbrella
And the employees at the Spencer Estate that were turned into zombies and blew up with the entire mansion

Caliban Cove
Karen Driver- Turned into a zombie
Steve Lopez- Turned into a zombie, then shot himself
Nicholas Griffith- Drowned
Lyle Ammon- Unknown cause of death, later hung on a door to rot
Alan Kinneson- Turned into a zombie, then drowned
Tom Athens- Turned into a zombie, then killed in a shootout
Louis Thurman- Turned into a zombie, then drowned
Jay Shannon and 5 other corrupt S.T.A.R.S.- shot in shootout with ex-S.T.A.R.S.

City of the Dead
Chief Brian Irons- Torn in half by William Birkin
William Birkin- Turned into a monster
Annette Birkin- Fell to her death
Ben Bertolucci- Monster burst out of his chest
Marvin Branagh- Bled to death
Sergeant Neil Carson- Hunted down and killed by Irons
Ada Wong- Shot by Annette Birkin
Beverly Harris- Turned into a zombie
Officer on roof- Killed in helicopter crash
Helicopter Pilot- Killed in helicopter crash

Reston- Killed by Fossil
Henry Cole- Died of a fatal wound caused by a Hunter
Five Corrupt S.T.A.R.S.- Killed in shootout with David, Rebecca, and Claire

Brad Vickers- Killed by Nemesis
Mikhail Victor- Blew himself up with the Nemesis to protect Jill and Carlos
Nicholai Ginovaef- Torn in half by the Nemesis
Mitch Hirami- Killed by zombies
Cryan- Killed by zombies
Randy Thomas- Bitten in the ankle by a zombie and caught the T-virus which turned him into a zombie
John Wersbowski- Shot by Nicholai
Sean Olson- Bitten in the throat by a zombie
Brett Mathis- Pushed into a zombie by Nicholai
Li- Shot in the leg by Wersbowski and left to be eaten
Deets- Killed by zombies
Bjorklund- Killed by zombies
Waller- Went crazy, threw down his rifle, and let himself be taken down by zombies
Tommy- Killed by zombies
Captain Davis Chan- Stabbed to death by Nicholai
Sergeant Ken Franklin- Shot by Nicholai, then blew himself up in an attempt to stop Nicholai
Ted Martin- Shot to death
Janice Thomlinson- Shot by Nicholai
T. Foster- Shot by Nicholai
Rescue Pilot and team- Blown up by Tyrant
The rest of the 120 U.B.C.S. soldiers that weren't mentioned
7,000 Raccoon City Citizens- Turned into zombies and later nuked
